What you get:
6 Juggling Balls
6 Juggling Scarves
6 Tri-its
3 Juggling rings
(there is an individual kit also available)
Activity booklet: This will be emailed to you along with any updates. A printed version is also available if required.
For free delivery in Eastbourne just put Eastbourne in the discount code box at the checkout.
Online learning:
Links to our free Youtube tutorials will be emailed to you.
How does it work?
Once you place your order we will email you your activity booklet within 3 days and ask you to confirm your address. Please do check your spam folders regularly as we often disappear in there! Please contact us as soon as possible if you require a printed version and we will print a copy to include with your kit.
Why learn to juggle?
Learning to juggle might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you consider improving your overall health, however, the benefits reach far beyond having a good party trick.
When learning to juggle, or generally being active, hormones are released which reduce stress and promote positivity. When learning to juggle you engage both the right and left side of the brain, this is great exercise for the brain and will keep it engaged and alert throughout our Covid isolation. Juggling exercises and games are perfect for families, there are games and patterns you can do together as well as just help each other, thus continuing to develop teamwork, cooperation and remaining socially stimulated.